Audit & Risk Support
Audit and Risk Management is an essential part of both ensuring a safe and quality service and benchmarking your outcomes against standards, guidance and best practice as well as similar services and national, local outcomes.
The results help you to identify any actions and recommendations to help you understand what is going well and what could be done better.
Audits and Risk Assessment can be carried out on many parts of the organisation for example:
Due Diligence
Infection Control Audits
Health and Safety Audits
Fire Safety Audits
Environmental Audits
Disability Access Audits
Legionella, Water Safety `
Clinical Audits
Medicines Management Audit (eg process and quality)
Prescriptions (eg Quality, Safe, Process etc)
Drugs (eg Red, Amber, Off licence, Anti Biotics etc)
Medical Records
Chronic Disease Management (eg Diabetes , Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, Cancer etc)
Procedures (eg Cosmetic Procedures. Clinical Results, Minor Surgery etc)
Safe and Best Practice
Information Governence / Data Protection
Lone Working
Pregnant Worker
Human Resources
Financial Sustainablity
Training, Development, Supervision
**List not exhaustive**
We can help put systematic processes in place and maintain, review audit and risk ongoing.
Whether it be ad-hoc as required, periodic, regular weekly or monthly contact or whatever suits you we can meet and discuss your exacting requirements and we simply charge out by the hour invoiced monthly. The more hours the less the hourly rate and whats more we understand things change so we do not tie you into a contract.
Contact us
Rachael Duff BEM - Director
07875 404952
Office Phone:
01482 976997
Email -
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